Good quality water and soil rich in excellent nutrients are the fundamental components for having healthy plants, lush flowersand top quality vegetables. It is obvious that if the water used is not clean or even contaminated, what you grow will be neither healthy nor luxuriant. GrowMax Water water treatment systems weredeveloped specifically for gardening applications with the aim of providing pure waterGrowMax Water water filtration systems range with a range ranging from 240l / h to 2000l / h per hour. Suitable for water purification for irrigation of indoor plants, terraces, gardens, nurseries and commercial greenhouses. All GrowMax Water systems use activated carbon filters produced with coconut, an eco-friendly product that has very high absorption capacity; in fact it removes up to 99% of chlorine, herbicides, pesticides and volatile organic contaminants.
ECO GROW 240L / H is perfect for irrigating small indoor gardens or in small gardens and terraces.
- Faster plant growth - Healthier
fruit and vegetables
- Stronger roots
- Protects the soil and its living elements
- Ready for installation
- Removal of chlorine, sediments, dirt, rust, oxides, herbicides and pesticides volatile organic contaminants, chemical contaminants, benzene, toluene, oil, detergents, trihalomethane, polychlorinated biphenyls
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