Oxygenate the nutrient solution without air stones
The BubbleGen is a twin jet hydroponic bubble generator which efficiently and quietly oxygenates and circulates a nutrient tank. BubbleGen uses atmospheric pressure to pull oxygen rich air through the input port and mixes it with the nutrients passing through the body of the unit, ejecting an energetic circulating stream of nutrients and bubbles without the need for a noisy compressor air pump.
- Submersible and quiet running
- Oxygenates water efficiently
- Additional tank circulation jets not required
- No air stones required
- Can operate with 1000 – 4000 LPH pumps
- Works on vacuum rather than positive pressure so no addition heat generated
- Supplied with 3 suction cups for fitting
- Quick and easy installation
SKU: http://www.customhydro.co.uk/bubblegen