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MagnoPlus by Biomagno is a green compost soil conditioner suitable for both the growth and flowering stages, designed to provide essential nutrients needed by the soil. It contains organic nitrogen derived from high-quality plant material, which makes it completely free from unpleasant odors and immediately usable both in pots and in open fields.

The organic matter present is very high (80% organic nitrogen), making MagnoPlus ideal for restoring soil biofertility between growth cycles. It directly stimulates plant growth, making its use highly recommended during the vegetative recovery and flowering phases.

It is advised to use MagnoPlus for restoring biofertility and for balancing any deficiencies in nutrients and trace elements.

Once mixed with the soil, it only requires watering with water and will release nutrients for 12-16 weeks depending on the irrigation cycle.

pH 7 / 8.8

Moisture 50%

Organic nitrogen (Ntk) 80

Electrical conductivity: Ms/cm 1.8

Dosage:In pots: 500ml-1L per 10 liters of soil

In soil: 25L-50L per square meter
Approved for organic farming.


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